Monday, September 28, 2009

Deep calls unto deep at the noise of Your waterfalls

Every now and then it's really nice to get out of the city for a little while. I mean, I do enjoy's so different from any other place I've lived, and there are so many layers of history...Nevertheless, I find I'm still rather a country girl at heart, and I always enjoy visiting a few of the less inhabited locations around the country.

One such opportunity came this Saturday. For student activity day we headed north to the Golan, to the Gilabun Nature Reserve. As hikes go it wasn't all that strenuous or exciting, but it was still a pretty cool place to visit. It has:
1. Remains of a Syrian military base (you know, barracks and trenches and such)
2. Remains of a village (named Dvora, I believe) which dates back at least to the Talmudic period and was probably inhabited until about 50 years ago. Remains of a Jewish Synagogue are found in various buildings in secondary use.

3. Two waterfalls, Dvora and Gilabun, one of which is supposedly the second largest in Israel.
4. Pools under the waterfalls in which one can swim and cool off.
5. Bramble bushes with tiny black berries that taste like...blackberries. Go figure.
6. Popsicles at the end of the hike. (Thank you Dr. Wright!)

And to top the day off, our bus had a minor break-down by the Sea of it felt like a staff trip, and Larissa and I got to dip our feet in the lake as we waited for the bus to be fixed. What more could one ask?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog while looking for photos of nahal yehudia, and very much enjoy your writing and sense of humor.
Speaking of which, there's a very funny Jerusalem block you would probably like - check out

I hope you continue to enjoy your stay in Israel.

A new lurker