Monday, March 8, 2010

Apocryphal Tolkien

I happened to watch The Return of the King last night and was struck by the similarities between what is shown in this scene, especially from about 5:30 to about 8:30....

...and a battle described 1 Maccabees:

1 Maccabees 6:33-34, 37, 42-46
Then the king rising very early marched fiercely with his host toward Bathzacharias, where his armies made them ready to battle, and sounded the trumpets. And to the end they might provoke the elephants to fight, they shewed them the blood of grapes and mulberries.

And upon the beasts were there strong towers of wood, which covered every one of them, and were girt fast unto them with devices: there were also upon every one two and thirty strong men, that fought upon them, beside the Indian that ruled him.

Then Judas and his host drew near, and entered into battle, and there were slain of the king's army six hundred men. Eleazar also, surnamed Savaran, perceiving that one of the beasts, armed with royal harness, was higher than all the rest, and supposing that the king was upon him, put himself in jeopardy, to the end he might deliver his people, and get him a perpetual name: wherefore he ran upon him courageously through the midst of the battle, slaying on the right hand and on the left, so that they were divided from him on both sides. Which done, he crept under the elephant, and thrust him under, and slew him: whereupon the elephant fell down upon him, and there he died.

I would say that Tolkien knew his apocrypha.

And just for fun, here's what Eleazar SHOULD have done:


Richard Gianforte said...

Can I like this post because of the LOTR clips?
Thanks for sharing. I don't read the Apocrypha much (ever).

Alana said...

Haha, I suppose that is a decent reason to like the post. I never read the Apocrypha much/ever before last year... I understand why it's not included in the canon of Scripture (for Protestants), but it does have some merit, so I would recommend it, if you have the time, someday. I've still only read bits and pieces.