Monday, May 7, 2012

My life in an Arab-Israeli Kitchen, Part 3 (The Wedding)

Some of you may know, I don't really like sharing my kitchen under the best of circumstances.  I mean, I'm happy to have co-workers, but it's hard to deal with people who don't belong invading the space.  Fortunately, this week I only had about a dozen people to cook for.  It was most fortunate because there was a wedding on the campus and there were people invading my kitchen all day.

I walked into the kitchen at about 7am to find this:
I only have one or two good work spaces, and there were flowers on one.  Again, fortunately, there wasn't much to do for breakfast.

After breakfast I had a group of people in the kitchen preparing salads and such until just before lunch.

They took over a large portion of the fridge, too.  I was afraid to touch anything for fear of knocking flowers off the shelf.  Or wounding the cake.  
And then the bride came and made her first appearance from my balcony.  It was a little odd to have members of the wedding party traipsing through the kitchen while I was working, but she did make a lovely bride.
Here's the wedding in progress.
 And after the wedding there was dancing to loud Arabic and Hebrew and English music.
It was a unique experience, and not the most convenient.  But they were nice people and it was fun to observe their celebrations.  

In other kitchen news we have a new faucet.
Isn't it lovely?  And it doesn't take all my strength to turn off the water!  So exciting. :)

And I made calzones for dinner.  Sometimes things don't quite turn out as I would like, but sometimes... I amaze myself. :)

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