Friday, June 4, 2010

Recent Sights

Another smattering of thoughts and pictures from life in Israel.

The other day I found a rose on the road.  I figured it was left there for me by a secret admirer.  So I took it home.  

Some very cute kids hang out by the ruins at Jericho, among all the Opus Reticulatum.  

Apparently, sheep like standing stones as well as your average American tourist.  They don't climb on them quite as well, though.  

If I were the spider that built that web, I would be really unhappy.  

I believe in a former post I mentioned the wedding-decorated cars?  Well, that season is back.  Here's another one.  

As it turns out, there have been more people from home in Jerusalem in this one week than in the whole two years I've been here.  This is me with a friend from High School/College days.  

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