Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009: A Year in Review

2009 started out for me back home in Montana...where the mountains are purple, and blue, and green, and white, and sometimes pink...
I enjoyed being a Montana girl again...
...before heading back to warm(er) Jerusalem
I spent a little time becoming reacquainted with the city.
For Valentine's Day, hopeless romantic that I am, I took part in a murder mystery. I was not guilty. Nor was the feather duster used as a weapon.
One of my favorite weekly activities was Friday afternoon Ultimate Frisbee.
Yes, I can catch, thank you very much.

At one point it almost even snowed...though it was really more of a hail. Oh well, it was white.
I celebrated Purim with my Jewish Thought and Practice class by going to Synagogue that night.
Camp flashbacks one day as some of us helped with dishes.
There were not as many field studies this year, but we did get to do some hiking on some of them. This is St. George's Monastery in Wadi Qelt...on the way to Jericho. Fortunately, there were not hedge robbers.
Learned more about Synagogues and Jewish life on a field study with Rabbi Moshe.

On another field study with Rabbi Moshe, we learned (sort of) how to harvest barley and other parable-type imagery.
I spent an amazing and relaxing extended weekend in Dahab, snorkeling, reading, eating, sleeping...ah... See, we even almost look happy.
Got to know some fellow students better. Yeah, they're all crazy.
I joined a Palm Sunday Parade,
went hiking in Galilee,
watched the Samaritan Passover lamb slaughter,
and participated in a triclinium meal.
Hoppy Easter from Jerusalem!
I participated in the "miracle" of Holy Fire.
One day we took off and went the the beach.
Another field study took us to some ruins of a Synagogue/Pagan Temple in Upper Galilee.
Happy Birthday, Israel!
One day I was privileged to see and ancient Roman walking down his ancient Roman road.
I went on week-long epic trip to Jordan where we watched sunsets, stormed castles,
killed sheep,
kissed camels, and just generally had a good time.
On my way home from Jerusalem I took a little pit-stop to visit my brother.
Back home I visited my Grandmother, and my Grandfather's grave.
Hung out with some friends. :)
...And headed off to camp. Snow, yay!
I was witness to some very rapid dismounts at the Big T Rodeo,
and to some exceptionally large explosions at the incinerator.
Family Foto Fun!
Happy Birthday, America!
My Cabin-mates at camp were pretty much the best ever.
We even got to celebrate Christmas in July...with the tree our bus knocked over...
I took a quick break from camp to reconnect with some High School friends. Yeah, they're crazy too.
I visited several waterfalls,
and enjoyed a little extra time with friends and family before heading back to...
the "Holy" Land.
Fortunately, I still had my sister around to keep me in trouble.
HaShum adventures!
I celebrated Yom Kippur by lying in the middle of the street.
I went on a family vacation where we managed not to leave our car behind at Caesarea
and where we celebrated JUC on the shores of Galilee.
I visited the big Shuk for the first time.
We had friends over several times. Living off campus is lovely.
We hung out on couches on top of Helkath for Reg-Exs.
Went hiking on Gilboa...
...where I acquired my Christmas Stick.
We had a Christmas party at the end of the semester and began to say good-byes.
...More good-byes...
I hosted numerous guests, not all of whom were expected.
I spent Christmas Eve in Bethlehem,
made special Christmas food,
and spent Christmas day with special people.
It was a good year. Rather unique, I would say. So I wish you all a Happy New Year as we do our own ball drop, here in Jerusalem.
We'll see what God has in store for 2010! :)

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