Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Weather Story

Today I met some friends for coffee around 3:30.  
(And yes, shockingly, I actually did drink coffee.)
It was a nice enough day - overcast, it had rained, but warm enough so one of my friends wore Capri type pants and the coffee shop propped its door open.  (Probably in the 50's, maybe low 60's, but no wind) 

I left there and went to Walmart.   When I entered Walmart around 5pm, it was still a pleasant day, though some of the clouds looked rather ominous.  I exited Walmart at 6pm, accompanied by driving sleet/hail and a cacophony of rolling thunder and flashing lightening.  (Pretty sure that's the first thunder of the year.)   
This picture doesn't do justice to the sheets of sleet you could see coming down.
At that point there was already an inch or two of white stuff covering everything and the roads were a bit treacherous.  

I thought to my self, "This can't last!  It will blow itself out soon."    

Clearly, I am not a prophet.  

The sleet didn't last, it's true, but it turned to snow.  I was running errands, so I would make a mad dash into the stores, slush soaking my pants up to my knees, white snow flakes obscuring the green of my coat.  After completing whatever purchases I had to make (rarely more than a few minutes at each stop) I would dash back out to my car where I would have to start the defroster and sweep snow off my car so I could attempt to see out the windows.  

Once I finally made it home, my car looked like this: 
 And outside the garage you could see where the wind had piled snow against the garage door.
 It even tried to block up my door.

It's now nearly 11pm and the snow storm is still going strong with several inches of snow accrued already.  

It's the traditional Easter Blizzard, just a few days early. 
This was the snow storm on Easter when I was probably about one and a half...just as evidence of how common this sort of occurrence is.  
 Bonus Picture (just because it was on the same page in the scrapbook):  I apparently really loved to sing with my dad. :)


Angela Espinosa said...

oh my gosh. LOVE the singing picture with your dad!!! SO ADORABLE!!! =D and yes, the weather was insane this afternoon...

cesearl said...

I remember you singing like that. It was incredibly precious. I still love to hear you sing :-)

Aunt Erica

Anonymous said...

That's funny Alana. I don't think i have ever heard you sing. I still believe Aunt Erica. :)