Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today the heavens were opened and the angels sang

In other words, I visited a library. No, I visited THE Library. It is arguably the best library in the Middle East on Middle-eastern and Biblical subjects. It was pretty sweet. All the second year MA students at JUC share two library cards to this rather exclusive library, so I will get to go back to do research at various times this year.

However, after that highlight, a few clouds also rolled in.

I agreed to cook for the school on Sundays. I think I will enjoy it...but I'm a bit nervous about becoming familiar with the kitchen and planing meals that I will be able to fix by myself, with limited ingredients, in a new environment, that will hopefully be not to similar to other meals served that week. We'll see. It will also take time...which could be at a premium this semester.

I also had my first class today. It was a bit of a fiasco, but I won't go into that here.

Then I had my second class. It was a little better, but I think I'm in the first stages of syllabus shock.

I also need to come up with a thesis idea...or else just not do a thesis. So many hard decisions. Lord grant me wisdom!

Oh, and for those of you who participate: "RABBITS!"


Richard Gianforte said...

you got me. I was just calmly reading your post and then, WHAM at the end.

Alana said...

Yay, I win! ;)