Thursday, January 24, 2008


The other day a water pipe burst in my parents' house. I found out about it when my mom called and said that she was going to start getting rid of some of the things I had stored there, so if I wanted any, I'd better go get them. Well, most of the things I have stored at their house I haven't looked at for years, and probably wouldn't actually miss them if I never saw them again... but I am somewhat sentimental, and its possible that I could find something that would be useful, so tonight I went.

Boxes of memories... That's the joy of the things I had saved - memories attached to each of them. Memories that aren't normally called to mind, but that are precious, just the same. I had notes and homework saved from almost every class that I took in high school and college. I threw most of those out, except for a few I thought might be useful in the classes I currently teach. Then I had lots of cards, saved from birthdays, Christmases, graduations, etc. Quite a few letters as well. It was bitter sweet to look through those. I don't really have anywhere to store them, and I'm trying to simplify, so I ended up throwing most of them out, but it was hard. I have letters from campers who I've long since lost touch with. Lord, I think of Alicia, Lisa, Deborah, Toni, Michelle, and others... You know where they are. Please work in their lives. I had letters from my Grandma A. from before her strokes. She can't write now, and can talk very little, but I know she loves me, and those letters and cards remind me of how it was before. I also found letters from old friends, teachers, and dear family. Some I haven't heard from in years, some I still see now and then. It makes me wish I was better at keeping in touch. It also makes me thankful for things like email, blogs, and facebook, which aid in keeping in touch, and can even help us re-find people.

Lots of good memories in my life. Lots of people that I thank God were in my life. Lots to look forward to from here, and perhaps a challenge: Alana, work harder at communicating with the people you love!

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